a contemporary Gallery


The Frozen Lake regularly organizes events. The artists are present at the openings and very often they give a performance or a conference in addition to the guided tour of their exhibition.

The gallery is open every day during the opening week of the Rencontres de la Photographie in July, as well as during other highlights of Arlesian life. Exhibitions always remain visible by appointment.


* that’s what “le lac gele” means

An Association



In 2025 The Frozen Lakes becomes a non profit society after the French law of 1901.

Thank you for becoming members.



New Projects!



In 2025 From 2025, the frozen lake will offer new activities: conferences, internships, artist residencies. Stay connected!.



Since 2021 in Arles


It was while settling in Arles that I discovered photography and became an artist.  I have been living in a sixteenth-century house in the Hauture district for a long time now, just a few steps from the Arena, and have hosted many artist and photographer friends, as if this place was already intended to show images.


In 2021, following the closure of Voies Off, which had always been my gallery, and after the confinements linked to Covid, I felt the need to open my house during the Rencontres d’Arles Festival. I exhibited the “Island of the Gods”, a project that I had never shown in Arles

I took a liking to the exercise and decided to carry on hosting exhibitions.  I like to invite artists and organise the exhibition of their work with them. It is also sometimes an opportunity to show my own work.


At the beginning of 2022, my friend Jacques Lafont, founder of the Nimes gallery “le lac gele” decided to retire. He closed his gallery in Nîmes and kindly offered me the name, which I had always found infinitely poetic.

From now on, my ephemeral gallery will be called “le lac gele” (the frozen lake).


Richard Petit | director and founder

Between 2008 and 2022, the Frozen Lake Gallery has exhibited all these artists under the direction of Jacques Lafont in Nîmes:




Cyril Abad, Pilar Albajar, Alexandre Allegri, Alfons Alt, Antonio Altarriba, Eléonore Antzenberger, Blaise Arnold, Myriam Assié, Mélania Avanzato

Carlos Barrantes, Pierre Baumann, Hubert Barre, Jacques Bastide, Lionel Bayol-Thémines, Sébastien Berlendis, Jean-André Bertozzi, Amandine Besacier, Robert Besenko, Marc Blanchet, Philippe Blayo, Françoise Bonnafoux, Gaël Bonnefon, Anaïs Boudot, Alain Bourette, Bernard Bouyé, Nolwenn Brod, Alexa Brunet 

Pierre Cambon, Julie Canarelli, Cetrobo, Guillaume Chaplot, Laurent Chardon, Caroline Chevalier, Didier Cholodnicki, Jacques Coenen, Jacques Courtejoie

Nathalie Dallies, Ken Damy, Anne de Gelas, Alejandro De Los Santos, Camilla de Maffei, Bastien Defives, Raphaël Denis, Rimantas Dichavicius, Seyrane Diplomat, Philippe Dollo, Maria do-Mar Rêgo, Michaël Duperrin, Jean-Noël Duru

Jane Eyk

Claude Fauville, Claudine (Doudou) Fauville, Sandra Fastré, Nicolas Fayol, Frédérique Félix-Faure, Lucile Feremans, Magdéleine Ferru, Franco Fontana, Doriane François, Dominique Fraikin, Alexandra Frankewitz, Toto Frima, Bérangère Fromont

Serge Gal, Françoise Galeron, Ravmond Garnero, Bruno Geslin, Mario Giacomelli, Nanda Gonzague, Sylvie Goussopoulos, Hubert Grooteclaes, Maude Grubel

Michel Hanique, Helmut Heuse, Sorava Hocine, Louise Honée

Irina Ionesco

Hélène Jayet, Didier Jordan, Lionel Jullian

Cécile k., Thomas Kellner, Sophie Knittel

Jacques Lafont, Marc Lamey, Yohanne Lamoulère, Perrine Lamy-Quique, Michel Le Belhomme, Benjamin Leveaux, Jean-Paul Lejeunes, Jean-Marie Leroy, Alain Licari, Pierre Liebaert, Anne Locquen, Martial Lorcet, Jean-Pierre Loubat

Emmanuel Madec, Laure Maugeais, Karine Maussière, Cécile Mella, Cécile Menendez, Bertrand Meunier, Paul Messin, Camille Michel, Alessandro Montes De Occa

Rafaël Navarro, Linh Nguyen, Christophe Niel, Françoise Nunez

Richard Petit, Claire Picheyre, Georges Pierre, Virginie Plauchut

Jan Q Maschinski, Annakarin Quinto

Christophe Raphaël-Lopez, David Richard, Enzo Rosamilia, Jean-Francois Rospape, Javier Roz

Jan Saudek, Alain Sauvan, Jean-Marc Scanreigh, Teddy Seguin, Michaël Serfaty, Maxime Simon, Adrien Sin, Eric Sinatora, Sinkai, Cécile Straumann, Jean Suquet

Patrice Terraz, Anva Tikhomirova

Philip Vagelli, Eric Vareilhes, Mathieu Vautrin, José Villares

Charlotte Zobel, Joseph Zobel