I’m afraid of the dark.
At night in my bed, I cover myself completely with my duvet, I just leave room for my mouth and nose to breathe. I don’t want the ghosts that roam around me to come and touch me. I try to convince myself that these invisible beings are kind, that they are there to watch over me.
But a doubt persists. This disturbing strangeness…
What to do with these waves of anxiety that throw themselves at us, and slowly devour us?
Ida Jakobs
September 20 to November 17 2024
Ida Jakobs had the courage to confront her ghosts during a five-month residency in a psychiatric hospital.
Made with the residents, these images use the sublime technique of the large format camera and black & white film, to better tell us the importance we should give to our dark side.
We are proud to show her work
Richard Petit | curator
This project was carried out during a creative residency at the Marchant Hospital in Toulouse, supported by the DRAC-ARS Occitanie and the Labo Sauvage.
The exhibition has been printed by Bruno Seigle at Photon Professional Lab in Toulouse.
The exhibition has been printed by Bruno Seigle at Photon Professional Lab in Toulouse.
Ida Jakobs lives and works in Toulouse, where she leads workshops, coordinates the activities of the Labo Sauvage, and continues her research work, when she is not responding to orders. Her series “La Vie devant soi” and Figures de Proue have been exhibited in Toulouse, Sete, Montpellier, Ceret, Niort… and Kathmandu.