After the sudden death of my partner and my grandmother’s passing only months later – both of whom were central figures in my earlier works – I shifted my focus to my own immediate experience of loss.

… In this vulnerable space, I use art as a means of self-care and healing.

I believe that sharing my stories is not only an act of healing for myself, but also a contribution to the healing of others who may resonate with the theme of loss, trauma, and resilience.

Nastassja Nefjodov

opening Friday March 14th @ 6PM
with an artist’s performance

exhibition March 14 to 16
then until June 1st 2025 on appointment

Ida Jakobs had the courage to confront her ghosts during a five-month residency in a psychiatric hospital.

Made with the residents, these images use the sublime technique of the large format camera and black & white film, to better tell us the importance we should give to our dark side.

We are proud to show her work

Richard Petit | curator

This project was carried out during a creative residency at the Marchant Hospital in Toulouse, supported by the DRAC-ARS Occitanie and the Labo Sauvage.
The exhibition has been printed by Bruno Seigle at Photon Professional Lab in Toulouse.
Ida Jakobs lives and works in Toulouse, where she leads workshops, coordinates the activities of the Labo Sauvage, and continues her research work, when she is not responding to orders. Her series “La Vie devant soi” and Figures de Proue have been exhibited in Toulouse, Sete, Montpellier, Ceret, Niort… and Kathmandu.